Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Today on my way home I realized fall is here. It happens every year... there will be one day in September that I notice the leaves falling and the air cool enough for sweaters eventhough the sun is out and shining. It makes me want to make chili and order apple cider from Starbucks. It also reminds me of the weather 3 years ago this week when I got married. Love this time of year.

Cooper is well. His new favorite pastime is to stand at the windows facing the backyard and "talk" and bang on the glass. Whatever floats your boat :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009


I haven't been good about updating so I'm going to do an update WITH videos. Cooper is crawling like mad and pulling up on anything. Sometimes he even pulls up one-handed. He cruises from the couch to the coffee table, but that's about it so far. Still has two teeth, still walking/running in his walker. Has had one flu shot dose and goes back for the second dose in two weeks. Yesterday he attended his first VHA Fall Family Fun Fest and had a great time getting attention and he wasn't even scared by Dinky the Clown (eventhough the adults were).

Thursday, September 17, 2009

This made me cry

"Because at the end of the day, when we can't walk or even stand, when we have no words to speak, much less sing, and when it takes every ounce of every part of us to scrawl out our name at the bottom of a page, we still have something left to give. We can care. Caring is what makes the earth spin around on its axis and draws day in from the dark night. Telling someone that we CARE -- from the depths -- that moves people. In fact, it's the only thing that ever will."

If you want to read the story behind this, click here.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Cooper is much less "barky" today. His school pictures will be there this afternoon for me to pick up. So excited!!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Cooper has had a cold for several days. Yesterday when I picked him up from daycare there was a sign confirming a case of H1N1. Then last night Cooper had a really bad night and was barking like a seal and wheezing by 5 am.

I called the doctor's office at 7am when they started taking calls and made an appointment. Since Christopher was post-call I went into work late and he took him to the doctor at 9:30.

The result... no flu, regular or of the swine variety. However, he has croup. Just like his Daddy decades ago. He got a steroid shot and an antibiotic. Tonight I have a feeling we will be sitting in a steamy bathroom since it's not chilly outside yet.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Today is Christopher's last. call. ever. Of course he'll work two weeks of nights in the ICU TWICE over the coming months, but in terms of call... it is done.

To celebrate, I'm posting this uber cute picture of Mr. Cooper asleep.


Had a nice weekend full of stuff.

Cooper had his 9 month pictures taken on Saturday morning. He cooperated less than 3 months ago and our photographer warned us that it's even worse at the 12 month session. He said it's a 20% success rate. Wow. Can't wait.

Saturday night we gathered at my Dad's for Bowron Family night and had a great time talking about Durkee's, Spam and other southern favorites. Nothing like a farmstand tomato on homemade bread with a little Durkee's. Grayson entertained us with repeated nose bleeds which reminded me of when Glenn was little. Cooper also entertained with his crawling and walking in his walker.

Today we headed out to Costco for formula, diapers and some adorable Carter's outfits for Cooper. We also picked up a ton of food and delivered it to the Hospital Hospitality House. Every month the VHA provides 2 dinners to the HHH's 40 residents and Tuesday night is my night. While I used to actually cook for these fine people I simply can't do it these days.

After running all over town and doing some stuff around the house we wrapped up the weekend with a perfect evening... pizza, Sunday Night Football, Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka (mix it with lemonade!!!) and hanging out with Nick and Meg.

Ahhh... ready for the week!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


When I got to daycare today Cooper was standing in his crib making a lot of noise. I've seen him pull up to standing lots of times, but never have I walked in on him like that at daycare. It was a shock. Big boy...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cooper is 9 Months Old!

In three short months we will be having Cooper's first birthday. Please let the clock slow down. We are loving every minute with this sweet, handsome little man and by 5 pm everyday I am aching to hold him.
At 9 months Cooper...
- is 30.25 inches long (98th percentile)
- weighs 24 pounds, 4 ounces (90th percentile)
- has a head circumference in the 80th percentile
- is wearing 18 month - 24 month clothing
- has two bottom front teeth coming in
- eats many different foods (stage 3 baby foods, table foods mashed up, etc.)
- is not very fond of finger foods
- loves splashing in the bathtub
- is about to graduate to Nursery II at school
- is crawling (quickly) ALL over the place
- still loves his walker and exersaucer eventhough he's growing out of them quickly
- has a new fascination with cords and plugs
- is pulling up to standing on anything that will hold still
- walks around saying Maaaaaa Maaaaaa and then gets frustrated when I don't answer
- is learning what "no no" means

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Cooper has his second tooth! It's exactly what people said would happen... we waited forever and now they are coming all at once. He also (easily) crawled over to his walker and pulled up to his knees and then to one foot like it was nothing. Then he plopped down on his butt and cried.

As soon as he's sound asleep I will take photos of the tooth... sorry, the tEEth and a bonus... the cutest pjs ever seen!