Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Stressful day today. Cooper woke up about 8 times last night and his morning caregiver at daycare decided to inform me that he's been crying inconsolably this week. So I picked him up early and back to the doctor we went. Still has an ear infection and since the oral Rxs didn't work we've moved on to shots. Possibly one a day for three days in a row. Great. Will see what tomorrow holds.

Wish me luck. I've been reduced to tears many times since this saga began SEVEN WEEKS AGO.


Great night tonight. Christopher got home at a decent time, our house was clean b/c it was housekeeper day, we had a yummy meal (my first time to make homemade meatballs & spaghetti) and Cooper went to bed early. It's the little things.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Christopher did the grocery shopping for me tonight week because I was at home with a very fussy baby who was awakened 10 mins into his afternoon nap by the lady at daycare. Big mistake on her part.

Anyway, I try to be SUPER specific with my list when he's going for me because grocery stores have somewhere around 47,000 items and it's hard to know exactly what someone wants when they say "cheddar cheese." He also asks me lots of questions before he goes if there is something on the list that is confusing. 9 times out of 10 this works perfectly. Last night, not so much. Instead of calling me he went with his gut on two items which resulted in us having a HUGE container of raisins (like 5 lb. of raisins) and a tiny package of chicken which was supposed to serve as our main course for two dinners this week. Maybe I'll make some oatmeal raisin cookies :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I really thought we could still bathe Cooper in the portable tub we've used since his birth. I was wrong. My child is clean... and so is my kitchen floor. Onto the big tub.


We went to Toys R Us today because Christopher thought too much time had passed since our child had a new toy. No spoiling of said child occurring in the slightest, right? Anyway, we did pick up some little odds and ends for Cooper including Fisher Price links, stackable cups, Fisher Price keys, an Elmo for the car (can be attached to the car seat) and two Baby Einstein videos. Then we had a fun night watching Cooper play with all of his new stuff! Every time he was handed something new he would huff and puff and then flap his arms like little wings and jump. If he were a bird he would have taken off I'm sure.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lounging, 7 mo. shot and sitting up

Just lounging around in a vintage seersucker shortall. And yes, that is a duck wearing a sailor's cap pulling a miniature sailboat behind him. And I like it.
Sadly, the best 7 month picture with Mr. Elephant that we got. Not indicative of his size in relation to Mr. Elephant, but it will have to do.

Dad! You caught me sitting up by myself!!!!

Look at my spoils!!! Mine! All mine!

Oh! I love toys and I love sitting up!

Mommy's vintage Fisher Price Happy Apple. I love the sound it makes.


At our 6 month appointment Dr. Long mentioned that Cooper may start rolling onto his stomach during the night and I don't have to keep putting him back on his back. Great. Around that time Cooper did start rolling to his sides and would sleep there for the remainder of the night, but never fully rolled over on his belly. Guess what? Last night he rolled over early on and slept that way for the rest of the night. I need to get a picture of all sleeping positions because they are all so cute. I especially like the on the back with legs pulled up like frog legs pose.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Do you ever need to make a quick appetizer, dessert or side dish for a party or a potluck or a sick friend and don't want to go to the store? This happens to me a lot and so I've really tried to make a concerted effort to fill my pantry, freezer, and fridge with items that can help me when I'm in a bind. So far the most helpful items have been:

1. frozen pie crusts (with these plus 6 other staples I can make yummy fudge pies)
2. frozen package of herbed goat cheese (bake off a frozen baguette and you have an easy app)
3. frozen shrimp (pair with a bottle of cocktail sauce from the pantry and you are good to go)
4. wedge of Gruyere cheese (add potatoes, milk, butter and garlic for delish au gratin potatoes)

Tonight it was the frozen pie crust that came to my aid so while dinner was baking I whipped up a pie and baked it while we ate. Now I'm ready for tomorrow night's dinner at Jane's.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sunday morning at our house

Watch as Cooper tries to handle his bottle on his own. What I like about this video is: the huffing and puffing when he's excited, the babbling, the eating of the paper towel and the banging of the hand on the highchair tray as if he's saying "Now woman! Now!"


Tonight I am in awe of mothers (well primary caregivers actually). This is the hardest job I've ever done and I'm doing it on less sleep than I've ever gotten before. It's daunting to start the day at 5:45 am with a automatic to-do list that's a mile long. For those of you reading this who have in the past (or who are in the present) raising one or more children successfully and keeping your sanity, sense of humor and wits about you... congrats! I wish I could give you all a million dollars as a prize or a free trip to the Hilton resort of your choice (I got a sales call from them yesterday and apparently rates are surprisingly affordable).

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


When Cooper was a newborn baby he would wake up crying every time. No matter what time day or night a newborn cry would announce the end of his slumber. Then at about 4 months Cooper would play with a toy in his crib and the little noises that would make became my cue to retrieve my child so we could start the day. We have now entered a stage where Cooper will sit and babble when he wakes so I hear from the other room "ya ya ya ba ba ba buh buh yuh." I think this is my favorite stage so far :)

Monday, July 20, 2009


Ear infection saga continues... took Coopies in for a re-check of his right ear to make sure antibiotic worked. It did! But the other one is infected now :( 10 days of another medicine (cost = $100) and then a re-check on day 14.

On a happier note my co-workers enjoyed the chocolate cupcakes I made and Jane, Dana and I have tentative plans for some girl time tomorrow night when my husband can be on Cooper duty. Yay!

Also... what was I thinking when I agreed to be VHA President??? Oh yeah, it was my wedding day and I had started drinking champagne at 5 am. All coming together now.


This was a perfect Sunday. After breakfast we headed to Edwin Warner park and walked/hiked a 1 mile trail. The weather was perfect and since there was tons of shade it was even cooler. Great way to start the day. Then we headed to the VHA storage unit and off to lunch. While Cooper took his afternoon nap Christopher graded EKG tests and I made pesto pasta salad. We brought the whole family (dogs included) out on the deck while we grilled out and had a nice chat with the neighbors. Guess what? They are pregnant! Due with a little boy in November. Cooper will have a friend right next door!!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


My first VHA monthly event as President is in the history books. We had an okay turnout, yummy food and I didn't stumble over my words too much. Met some new Vandy people, gave away Sounds tickets and had a good time. Disappointed a new intern who thought I was giving away tickets to a Sounds concert. Apparently The Sounds are not only Nashville's minor league baseball team, but also this guy's favorite band :) Next month... bounce party at Bounce U!


- Cooper started having fruit, cereal AND a bottle for breakfast. He's a growing boy!
- Sadly, my mom was rear-ended today and her car is totalled. She's got bumps and bruises, but appears to be fine. Better than her Explorer at least.
- I made "CW's dinner" for dinner... baked ziti. Although I never use ziti, I always use rigatoni. Tonight however I used ziti and it was so much better than ever before!!! Will never go back. Sorry rigatoni :(

Friday, July 17, 2009


Cooper goes to sleep one of two ways. Either he falls asleep while taking his nighttime bottle or he's awake (but fussy) when it's time for bed and you have to rock him to sleep. Sometimes, when it's the latter, he will kick and fuss and thrash around while you rock him and then all of a sudden as if he's been hit with a tranquilizer dart, fall into a deep sleep. That's what happened tonight. Annoying, but really cute at the same time.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Today I stayed home with a sick baby. Cooper has his fourth ear infection and is on the 3rd medication. Wonder how long before Dr. Long will mention ear tubes??? We had a good day... napping and eating. Meg brought yummy dinner over and hung out so I'd have some adult conversation today. Daddy's on call tonight so we will see how much sleep we get. Oh, and Cooper thanked me for taking the day off work by pooping and peeing on me. I love that little guy.


After complaining all day that Cooper didn't sleep well the night before, I get a call from daycare saying he has a 102 degree temperature. How bad do you think this made me feel? Christopher skipped the VHA dinner we were supposed to attend to take Cooper to the pediatrician and I went to the dinner and listened to Vandy faculty argue about universal healthcare. Fun.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Daily Tidbits

I've decided the post daily tidbits. Short, random thoughts or happenings in hopes of having at least a mini-diary of my first son's babyhood.

7/13/09: As I cooked dinner, washed dinner dishes and did laundry the sound of Cooper's laughing was great background music. Christopher was holding him while watching the Home Run Derby and doing all the things that make Cooper laugh a perfect belly laugh including eating his ribs, kissing his nook and making funny nosies. Perfect. Week. Night.

Even more videos!!!!!!!!!!

First video - Cooper playing in his bouncy seat a few months ago. That's Christopher video game in the background.

Second video - Cooper laying on his bunny chair that Angela gave him.

Third video - Cooper with hiccups a LONG time ago.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

More Cooper Videos

First video - Cooper playing in his new walker.

Second Video - Cooper asleep on Mommy after a yummy bottle.

Cooper Videos

First video - I was trying to be sneaky and not let Cooper see the camera. However, he did.

Second video - Cooper in his jumper for the first time.