Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, February 23, 2009

These are the times that try a mom's soul...

Christopher left the house yesterday at 6:15 am for his 30-hour on call shift at Vandy. Because I have an excellent baby I knew I would get everything accomplished on my list for the day and Cooper would be the star attraction at Dana's Oscar party that night. Then we would come home, sleep through the night (as he did the night before) and wake up refreshed and ready for the work week ahead. What was I smoking???

Cooper woke up at 8 am and made it clear that he was going to have a fussy day. Once I gave up the dream of going to the Encore and More consignment sale my Mom came over and helped my with Cooper while I prepped for D's party, made a meal for a new mom, showered, put clothes away, etc.

We left the house at 4:15 pm, only 15 mins behind schedule. Because my Mom had just fed him, I knew Cooper would sleep soundly in the car while we made the food drop-off and headed to Dana's. Heck, he might even sleep through the party.

One of these days I will learn not to tempt fate.

Although he did sleep through the car ride, the second his carrier touched Dana's floor he woke up. And about 45 mins later he started to cry. Really a fussing/crying combo pack. This continued right on through the evening (much to the other party goer's disappointment I'm sure) until we gave up and went home at 9:45 pm. I know the fussiness was due to gas and then being so tired he couldn't sleep, but come one... give a Mama a break. Thanks to some dear friends who offered to hold, rock, sway, feed, and love on Sir Grumps-a-lot I did get to eat and watch a few random moments of the Oscars. Surely he would fall asleep on the way home...


By the time we got home and settled upstairs it was about 11pm. After a warm bottle and some Tylenol (in case these were growth spurt pains) Cooper fell asleep at midnight. I tell myself as I lay him down that he will definitely sleep through the night since he's been up and fussing for going on 8 hours now...

Long story short... we've been awake since 3 am.

Please pray for me today... and the poor clients whose returns are prepared by a woman with 3 hours sleep.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A joke

What did the zero say to the eight?

Nice belt.

Facebook = The Devil

So I joined Facebook and then became obsessed. How can you avoid spending hours catching up with friends from college, high school, elementary school, etc. that you haven't seen in years?!?!?!?! I'm just going to have to limit myself. I sound like a pre-teen boy with a Wii addiction.

Friday, February 13, 2009

You know you have a boy...

... when you change his diaper and he pees on the wall and the pee trickles down the wall right into the electrical outlet on said wall and all the lights in his nursery go out.

If someone knows how to make the lights come back on please let his clueless mother know.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fish & Chips turn Two!!!

I can't believe my babies are two years old today! Last year we celebrated with a party at the dog park complete with homemade dog treats for the canine guests and bone-shaped brownies for the Moms and Dads. This year we are going to have a low-key celebration at home.
Fish & Chips have been wonderful companions and practice children. They took very good care of me while on bedrest and have already proven to be protective of Cooper. It's so cute when Fish sleeps under his bassinet or in front of his swing. And when we change Cooper's diaper Fish sits right by the changing table. I think Chips would lick Cooper to death if we left them alone for 5 mins, but while supervised they are both very restrained with their kisses.
A fellow bulldog owner at Petsmart told us once they turn two they sleep 24 hours a day. While our pups do sleep A LOT I hope and pray that they still play tug-of-war and run after toys so fast that they slide into the fridge. They at least have to maintain enough energy so they can chase Cooper around once he's mobile!
Happy Birthday Fish & Chips! We love you!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Cooper is Two Months Old!

Look at that smile!!! Although it doesn't happen too often (I think we have a serious man on our hands) the smiles are happening here and there. I really think the dogs make him smile more than Mom and Dad do. Maybe he was just happy to be wearing his new Yankees onesie from Uncle Brian in Cleveland who sent him all kinds of good sports gear. I'm sure that smile will become a frown in a few months when the Yankees don't make it to the World Series despite spending more money than any other major league team. Just kidding Dad...

Cooper is growing and changing more than we could have imagined. He's acclimated to school beautifully and continues to be a good baby for us at home. We occasionally sleep through the night (albeit a short night) but usually sleep from 10 to 4 and then get up to feed. This gives Mom another hour of sleep from 5 to 6 before getting ready for the day.

He continues to love tummy time, his swing and riding in the car. We will make our first road trip as a family of three later this month when we meet up with Christopher's parents in Abingdon, VA for a long weekend. He can't wait to meet Grandmama and Grandpapa Wells as well as Queenie.

Cooper has even adjusted to taking baths. I had tried everything including all the suggestions from books, friends and family... nothing helped to calm him... except time. One day I gave him a bath and he just laid there quiet as a mouse. HE even seemed to enjoy it. Since that bath all his baths have been during the day in case that was the tipping point for some strange reason.

I love you Coopies. Can't wait to see what's in store next month!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The First Day

Cooper's first day of school went very well. Although many, many tears were shed on my end, he did great. He slept a lot, sucked down three bottles and had 4 wet diapers. God love those sheets the caregivers fill out... maybe now I'll figure out my child's routine. He was asleep when I left him there and asleep when I picked him up and he slept for 3 hours when we got home. When I dropped him off today I didn't cry until I got in the car and even then it was a brief spell. And I haven't cried since which has been almost an hour. Yay me!

Thanks for everyone thoughts, prayers, emails and supportive phones calls yesterday. They helped a lot.

** Look a few posts down for an update about our week last week which I just got around to posting. Pictures included!!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Dear Cooper,

On the night before your first day of daycare I wanted to get some things off my chest. I am really very sad that tomorrow morning we will get in the car and head to the place you will spend your days with other people. If I could I would spend every minute of every day with you by my side. However, that's not possible and probably not entirely good for either one of us.

I want to tell you (well tell myself really) that my working is not forever. Daddy will be done with his fellowship before we turn around twice and you will then be able to keep me on my toes from morning till night which is apparently what toddlers do :) Maybe around that time we will get a little brother or sister for you as well and we will all have fun together.

I am grateful that I love my job, my clients, and my co-workers because leaving you under other circumstances would be even harder. I am also grateful that if I have to miss time with you at least it's time when you sleep... a lot... and can't talk. I know as you get older and more interactive it will be harder and harder.

I'm glad we had this talk and I hope you are super excited about going to school. We are going to call it school, because it makes me feel better. I will be the one that is sad tomorrow and that's okay. It's just because I love you more than anything God has ever put on this planet.

Mark your calendar. July of 2011 I'm all yours.

Snow, Shots and Superbowl Sunday

My last week of staying home with Cooper (who just turned 8 weeks old) was pretty eventful. First, Nashville got snow. Not much, but snow nonetheless. The dogs didn't love it, but they didn't hate it either. It actually made them want to go out, do their business and hustle back inside which was fantastic!

Because Cooper is starting daycare he had to go see Dr. Long and get his first round of shots. This was technically his 2 month check-up even though he won't be 2 months old until Saturday. Anyway, the check up went well. My sweet baby is continuing to grow and now weighs in at almost 13 pounds (12 lb 14 oz to be exact)!!!! He is tracking objects past the mid-line and doing all the things a little one should at this point so we will go back in 2 months. He got 8 vaccines in 3 shots and 1 oral dose. He took them like a champ and was only slightly fussy Friday night even though he was running a mild fever. After my first official trip to the 24-hour Walgreens and a dose of Tylenol all was well. Sorry for the poor quality picture... I'm not good when it comes to dealing with the ramifications of the flash.

Mommy took a little time for herself this week and went to the opthalmologist for my annual check-up and got my hair cut!!! Nothing like a little self-maintenance to get you in the mood for taxes. I even shaved my legs which hasn't happened a lot since having a baby. Cooper and I also went out with Tracy and Ellie for shopping and lunch in Green Hills which was tons of fun!!

We had lots of visitors too! Our friend and financial planner Jeremy Smith came by with dinner and an appropriate baby gift (a piggy bank... get it). Mimi and Julie came by to love Cooper and take pictures. My Mom came over to bring Cooper his first smocked longalls. Well, his first longalls that were smocked by her. They are red with a fire truck theme... very cute. Aunt Dana and Aunt Jane also came over to go to dinner with us while Daddy was on-call and then hang out!!!

This weekend was full of getting things off the to-do list. Even though we were definitely busy with laundry, grocery shopping and other mundane chores we had an awesome impromptu dinner with Nick & Meg which was fun. We also took some time out of the busy schedule to watch the Superbowl at The Osgood's! This was the site of Cooper's first date with Edith Jane Chapman, daughter of Meg and Brett. Edie looked adorable in her pink outfit and matching bow!Although they had a little quality time on the bed staring at each other, their feedings and naps kept them from really getting to know each other. I can't wait till they can play!!!!

I have been tagged!

I've been tagged by Jane to list 8 random things about myself. For me just being tagged is the most exciting part!! My very hip sister-in-law in Boston got tagged forever ago and ever since then I've been waiting for it to happen to me! Thanks Jane!

1. I would monogram anything and everything if I could get away with it and not seem crazy.

2. Now that I have one child, I totally understand people who want 10 even though I thought those same people should be committed pre-Cooper.

3. I get my toenails painted red from Labor Day to Easter and then hot pink until Labor Day rolls around again.

4. I would give anything to be creative.

5. I am on an eternal search for the perfect hairstylist.

6. When Cooper falls asleep on my chest and is breathing so quietly I can't tell where I end and he begins.

7. I sleep on my stomach.

8. Horseradish is my favorite condiment.