Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, August 31, 2009


Cooper is so over "b" and "m" sounds. Now he's all about the G. It's gaaa, geee, gaaa, gee 24/7. Love it.

Friday, August 28, 2009

08.28.09 - The day that will go down in history

Cooper likes to do things in a big way. When he was born one day shy of 38 weeks he had to go big, to the tune of 10 pounds, 5.2 ounces. Now that big milestones are upon us he decided to go big again and tackle three in one day. Today my son...

1. cut his first tooth (thank goodness, I was starting to think he didn't have baby teeth)
2. pulled up in his crib
3. crawled across our bedroom floor to get the digital camera

He really crawled last night downstairs, but because he was on a slippery blanket he couldn't get anywhere. I thought it was funny, he didn't.

Pictures and video to follow...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Cooper has been moved into a big boy crib at daycare with a mattress that is lowered so he can't escape. Made me a little sad, but he's now beside his BFF Austin, so it's ok. Guess it's time to lower his crib mattress at home too.


I thought they were crazy when my baby website suggested letting Cooper play with a whisk or potato masher, but guess what? They are his favorite things!!! He loves mashing the floor and using the whisk like a microphone. Adorable. Guess it's time to pull out the pots, pans and wooden spoons too.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Cutest thing ever: When Christopher came downstairs this morning Cooper smiled really big and then started clapping. What's better than a round of applause from your son at 6:30 in the morning???


Sunday was a lazy day at the Wells house. After breakfast we played on a blanket in the front yard while Christopher trimmed bushes. Then Cooper took a two-hour nap which means Mommy took a nap as well. Yay!

That night we joined the fam at Loveless for Christopher's family birthday dinner and then came back to the house for cake. We showed off all of Cooper's new clothes and he performed for everyone by clapping and walking around in his walker. We also attempted to put his Halloween costume on which didn't go so well. We will have to play dress up several times between now and Halloween so he'll be cool with it by then. Good to know now, huh?


After an awesome breakfast and pedicure outing with Dana and Jane the birthday girl I came home to hang out with C&C. After some down time we packed up and headed off for the dreaded Opry Mills outlet mall. I can count on one hand how many times I've ventured to this dreaded place and only did so to take advantage of many children's stores in one locations and the many sales said stores were having. We shopped a lot and walked a lot and walked away with tons of clothes for Mr. Cooper.

Things I learned on this trip:
1. my son now grabs at stuff as he passes in his stroller
2. my son is really long requiring clothes meant for a two year old
3. Great American Cookie Company isn't as great as it used to be
4. Kids clothes are expensive even when on sale
5. NFL jersey onesies are really cute
6. Opry Mills won't let strollers in sit-down restaurants... another reason to hate that place

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Tonight when Cooper and I arrived home I noticed the stove said PF (power failure) and all the clocks were flashing. Guess what that means? The slow cooker pot roast that we worked so hard on that morning was not bubbling away as planned. We had a big pot of uncooked veggies and raw meat. Gross. It got thrown away and Daddy picked up dinner on the way home :( What are the chances that the first time I've used the crock pot in a month we have a rain storm and the power goes out?????

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Last night as Cooper puttered around the downstairs in his walker Christopher asked me "What happened to our baby?" That's what I want to know. Our little Mr. is eating everything in site (except cottage cheese) and talking and so mobile... and his first birthday party is already in the works. Whew... busy year.

On the horizon... teeth... I hope. We did meet a family with a one-year-old who said their little girl didn't have baby teeth for the longest time and then all of a sudden got three. Good to know.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


What's cuter?
The belly or the drooling?
My vote is the belly.

This is a post bath picture. As you can see Cooper wasn't that into get dressed and wanted to play instead. So while Christopher and I got ready we let him play. Because sometimes it doesn't matter if you do things in a certain order.

Today, Sunday, started off with Cooper throwing up massive amounts of breakfast. In the Exersaucer. Thanks. And only minutes after Daddy headed to VUMC for his last weekend call. That Daddy has good timing. A long day ensued with lots to do, but with the help of my mom it ended well and dishes, laundry, etc. are all done. Now Cooper is sound asleep in his adorable duck onesie and the pups and I are ready for bed too. So glad Daddy can clean out the Exersaucer next time :)


My little one became an international food lover today! He happily ate lentils and saag (creamed spinach with homemade cheese) from the Indian Buffet. Yum! Yum! I didn't try Indian food until I was about 19 so he's way ahead of his Mommy.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


My perfect, sweet, handsome, wonderful husband had a great bday. Tonight we went out to eat with Nick & Meg and then headed over to Sweet Cece's for some birthday do-it-yourself frozen yogurt. I can't believe how many people were there on a weeknight. It was delicious and even Cooper got in on the froyo fun. Christopher also got some great gifts including money, giftcards, lottery tickets, and a monogrammed silver keychain that he wanted to replace his old fancy keychain. Oh, and a magnetic photo with a picture of Cooper for his locker in the fellows room. Happy Birthday Honey!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I was inspired by the legacy of a young woman today who reminded me that you can face any challenge with grace, dignity and a smile. My natural leaning when faced with adversity is to complain to friends, go into my walk-in closet and scream, or to cry. I'm going to work on the grace and dignity part... and the smiling.

Also, my child will now wave to someone who is waving at him. Love the little copycat!!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


My child can officially get into a sitting position from any other position you put him in. Laying on his back, laying on his tummy, on his side, on all fours, etc. I thought I was recording his new talent last night but I was just sitting there holding a camera that said "ready." Nice. Video to follow...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Face still numb. Went to doctor. Bell's palsy brought on by untreated viral infection. Great. My face isn't drooping or anything. Just numb and tingly. And my half-smile makes Christopher laugh. God is getting me back for laughing at his crazy sneezes all these years.

Cooper is great. Fell asleep when we took a drive over to Sweet Cece's for some therapeutic frozen yogurt so he wanted to stay up till midnight playing with his Winnie The Pooh activity table. That's what we get for putting a baby in a snuggly car seat after a big meal for a 20 minute drive. Duh.


Sunday was a mixed bag. We were excited to hang out with the Osgood clan (and other friends) to celebrate Zan's birthday (so many August babies), but we had to get through the day first. Christopher was post-call which means he came home, said hello and fell asleep. And since I woke up with a numb face and was freaked out it was a bumpy road to 3pm. We made it (and an appetizer for the party) and had so much fun hanging out with really funny, fun people. I love get togethers at Jane's parents' house. So comfortable I feel right at home. And in the last eight months there's been a added bonus to these get togethers... a built-in playdate for Cooper and a chance to get some mommy feedback and advice from Meg!

Happy Birthday Zan!!!!

PS - If you are wondering about my numb face, read 08.10.09.


Today (Saturday) was chocked full o' fun and excitement. After meeting & greeting people at the VHA Bounce U event Mom, Cooper and I headed to the Coco Bonbons warehouse sale and got Cooper some cute fall clothes for 80% off and tax free! Then we hit CPK and back home for a nap (which never materialized) before heading to Dad & Nancy's (aka Old Man & Mimi's) for the monthly Bowron get together and August birthday celebration minus one of the August babies (Christopher) who was on call. I'm so glad I'll only have to say that 5 more times.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cooper is 8 Months Old!!!!

Yes, he is a big boy. At 8 months Cooper:

-weighs over 22 pounds
- eats veggies, fruits, pureed meats (gag) and still drinks lots of formula
- still has no teeth :(
- has finally kicked the ear infections and is 100% healthy
- officially hates the doctor's office and will cry even when a doctor touches him on the head
- loves to just sit on the floor and play with anything in reach
- crawls in reverse
- walks in his walker (backwards only as well)
- still loves his Chips and would like to love Fish if Fish would allow it
- loves baths in the garden tub
- says MaMa, but not directly to me
- has started to get upset when I drop him off at daycare
- definitely has some stranger anxiety
- ate his first frozen yogurt
- absolutely HATES papaya... makes him gag in a very dramatic fashion

Friday, August 7, 2009


Today is my Dad's birthday and the day Cooper turns 8 months old!!!!! Yay!!!! Medical update and pictures, stats, etc. will be posted asap.

Today my heart is heavy knowing that a Vanderbilt family will soon be dealing with the loss of their wife & mother. I can't imagine the pain or do much to help so I will pray. If you pray, please do the same. "Joy cometh in the morning" scripture tells us. I hope so.


Went to my VHA meeting tonight while CW & CW2 had a "Guy's Night In". We had a yummy dinner and a productive meeting and it was followed by an hour long talk with Tracy. Even though she hundreds of miles away our long phone calls keep me feeling close to her which I like. And need.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


As we ate dinner Cooper slept upstairs. At one point he let out a cry and CW went to check on him. Before he went up I mentioned that it sounded like he was flipped over on his belly and wanted to be on his back. My husband now thinks I have special powers and I realize that I'm officially a mom who knows what her child is upset about just by hearing which cry is coming out of his mouth. Love it.


Made this yummy recipe tonight. Used sliced green onions instead of fresh garlic (because I didn't have any). Next time I will use boneless, skinless chicken breasts and serve them over rice. Delish.

Also found Cooper's first Halloween costume in this catalog. How. Freakin'. Cute. Don't know what size to order. Based on weight we would need a large, but I'm worried it will be too long.


It breaks my heart when Christopher gets home from work well after Cooper's bedtime and immediately asks "Where is he??" Then I just say "Upstairs."

Monday, August 3, 2009


Busy weekend. Cooper and I took Daddy dinner at the hospital on Friday night since he was on call. When Cooper realized Daddy had a stethoscope (which he hates now) like his pediatrician he looked at him like he was a traitor. Pretty funny. Saturday was the VHA Welcome Luncheon which was successful despite my nervous, robot-like recitation of my speech. Saturday night was dinner out. I've now fallen back in love with Tin Angel which I hadn't been to in years. Sunday was lunch out with Nick & Meg and a trip to a new "interactive" frozen yogurt shop in Belle Meade which is DELISH despite the 50 cent per ounce pricetag. For those of you that don't like math that's $8 a pound for frozen yogurt. Sunday night we took a meal to a new mom and visited Dana who is recuperating this weekend from a pretty wicked infection. We were glad to hang out and see that she's doing better!