Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

1/2 of 1 year old... what?

Sunday June 7th, Cooper Andrew Wells turned six months old. It truly isn't possible that 6 months ago I was in an OR crying tears of joy when I saw Christopher come around the drape with a chubby, swollen baby with black hair and dark eyes.

Before I had Cooper I was always anxiously awaiting for things to be over. Always ready to move onto the next thing. I was always saying "I can't wait for x, y or z!" Now I just want time to stop, or at least move in slow motion. I want to savor every minute of time and give and get all the love I can from this little person that makes me so happy.

Check-up stats:
Weight: 20 pounds, 9 ounces (86th percentile)
Length: 28.25 inches (93rd percentile)

Clothing: wears 12 months clothes primarily because he needs the extra length.
Shoes: Went right to a size 5 shoe. What???
Hair: Filling in and a little fuzzy on top, but very neat. Doctor thinks he looks like a mini-business man.

Dear Cooper Baby,

You are six months old now. According to Miss Alyson that's 181 days. A lot of fun we've had so far, huh? The first couple of months were pretty low key, but we've really turned up the excitement lately.

When you are awake you are WIDE awake and ready to go, play, move, talk, etc. And when you sleep, you sleep. This makes for pretty fun times together. You love to stand on my lap and dance on my lap and play in your Exersaucer. You love to eat solids like applesauce, prunes and pears and you love to snuggle and have warm bottles in Mommy's lap. You also love to laugh when tickled or when we make funny noises. You are so interested in your surroundings and particularly like it when Chips comes over and rests her chin on the Exersaucer so you can pet her. This week you started a new trick... when we lay you down on your changing table you arch your back, stick out your chest & belly and beat on your chest with your fists. You look like Tarzan and it's pretty funny when you are naked or just in a diaper.

For some reason if you see the camera or the video camera you stop doing whatever cute thing I was trying to capture on film. If you could keep on being silly I'd have more pics to post on this blog and your fans would be thrilled. Just a small request.

You will never know how much joy you bring your friends and family. Everyone lights up when they see you. The first thing they say is "What big eyes!!" Your big smile in the morning makes my day and I can't wait to see it everyday until I allow you to eventually leave home.

Love You, Love You, Love You


Sunday, June 7, 2009


Baptism photos, 6 month photos, 6 month letter to Cooper and 6 month checkup details will be posted tomorrow night. Now for your viewing pleasure I give you Cooper...

A big boy in his new big boy car seat.

Above: Give. Me. The. Camera.

Below: I could watch him all day long. Cooper's 5 month photo with Mr. Elephant. Scared of the elephant, me or the flash?


I know for those of you out there that haven't eaten any of the following items it will be hard to convince you to make these things without pictures. I promise two things: they are worth your time and I will start taking pics of food. Here we go...

Jezebel Sauce

This recipe is a dip typically used with sliced deli ham as an appetizer. For Cooper's reception I decided to serve it as a condiment on Hawaiian rolls with ham. Recipe is from the Harding Academy cook book.

10 oz of apple jelly
12 oz of pineapple preserves
5 oz horseradish

Heat in a saucepan until melted together and let cool. Spicy and Sweet!!!!

Cupcake Frosting

I was trying to find a recipe that wasn't a traditional buttercream, but also wasn't your typical cream cheese frosting either. Thanks to Smitten Kitchen I found a great frosting: easy to make, easy to pipe onto cupcakes and delish!!!

16 oz cream cheese (room temp)
4 sticks unsalted butter (room temp)
1.5 pounds of xxx sugar
1.5 t vanilla extract

Those all of these into your Kitchenaid stand mixer and let it go until light and fluffy. If you don't have a Kitchenaid stand mixer you can use a hand mixer but tomorrow morning go out and get a Kitchenaid. It will turn you into a baker. Promise.

Pasta Salad

I have never had a great pasta salad recipe. Since I'm addicted to the pasta salad with ham and peas on the Ruby Tuesday's salad bar (why do they change their menu so much?) the perfect recipe was hard to find. Everything I looked at had ingredients I'm scared of (mushrooms, olives, etc.). However, I found this on my FAVORITE recipe site and by making some substitutions per people's reviews ended up with a great standard pasta salad recipe.

12 oz tri-color rotini
12 oz bacon
1 c mayo
1 packet ranch dressing mix
.25 t garlic powder
.50 t pepper
.50 c milk
1 small container grape tomatoes
1 cucumber, peeled and sliced
1 small box of frozen peas
4 carrots, shredded

-Bowl pasta in salted water per package directions. Throw in frozen peas right before it's done. Drain and set aside.
- Cook bacon. Drain and chop.
- In a large bowl mix mayo, dressing mix, garlic powder, and pepper. Stir in milk until smooth.
- Throw in the remaining ingredients and stir to coat.
- Cover and chill at least one hour.

Stutgart Cheese

I might be spelling that wrong, but it doesn't matter. This dip/spread is amazing. It is also a Harding Academy recipe and is a staple at Osgood family functions. I serve it in a pumpernickel bread bowl with cubes of bread or crackers. During my pregnancy I literally made a batch of this and ate it and ONLY it for 3 days until it was gone.

16 oz cheddar cheese, shredded
16 oz bacon, cooked and crumbled
12 green onions, chopped
1 small package sliced almonds
2 c mayo
2 T Dijon mustard

Throw in a bowl and mix. Refrigerate overnight if possible.

Note: Sometimes shredding your own cheese makes a big difference in a recipe, but not in this instance. Buy it pre-shredded.

Note: Jane also recommends putting this on bread and putting it under the broiler. I am tempted to do just that with some Pepperidge Farm Hearty White with some leftover ham under the cheese. Mmmm....

Potato Salad

This recipe is relatively new to me as well, but since it came from allrecipes I knew it would be a hit. I served with ribs, rolls, a green salad and cake. Made for a great summer dinner with great friends.

2 lb new potatoes, cleaned and cubed
4 hard boiled eggs, sliced
16 oz bacon, cooked and crumbled
3 T relish
1 c sour cream
2 T mustard
1 c mayo
dash of paprika
S&P to taste

- Boil potatoes in salted water until tender, but still firm; drain and let cool
- Add all other ingredients to cooled potatoes and mix.
- Refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

Note: You can buy hardboiled eggs in Publix's deli which makes me much more inclined to make things with hardboiled eggs as an ingredient. I've never mastered hard boiling eggs. If you have, let me know how.

Food Blog

Even though this blog was created to share info about Cooper I think I will occasionally use it to post recipes. The last few times I've entertained I've been asked for recipes so why not just put them up here??? I will be online later to blog about Cooper's baptism and his 6 month bday (today!!!) but I will also attempt to post the following yummy treats (sorry no pictures).

Jezebel Sauce
Cupcake Frosting
Pasta Salad
Stutgart Cheese
Potato Salad