Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I know I need to post about the following events: Cooper's birthday party, Cooper turning ONE, and Cooper's 2nd Christmas. However, this post is all about this child (see below) and what he did last night.

Last night, Cooper Andrew Wells, fed himself dinner. I know other children his age have already done this and therefore it's not a Guinness World Record, but it's huge news in this house. He had ham, corn casserole, yams, a banana and milk. We mastered the finger foods long ago, but eating his veggies out of a bowl, with a spoon and NOT making a mess is a new thing. Interesting tidbit... he switched hands every time he took a bite. Wonder what that means? Probably that he likes using both hands.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Eventhough I'm WAY behind the following post will be about our week-long vacation in Great Mills, Maryland where Christopher's parents live. This week was important for many reasons, so it must be discussed.
Our first "real" car trip with a child went amazingly well. Yes, we had to drive 12 hours through the night for it to go well, but well it went. We had an early dinner on Sunday before Thanksgiving and with Cooper decked out in cozy pjs headed out of Nashville. We made 3 stops along the way and woke Cooper up for all three to give him a break from the carseat and to change him and give him a bottle at the half-way mark. With tired eyes, an about-to-wake baby, and a stuffed SUV we pulled into their driveway exactly 12 hours after we left Nashville. Best. time. ever.

The week was fun of fun and firsts. First time to Grandma and Grandpa's house, first time to meet his cousins (Lelany, Nicky, Samantha and Emily), first STEPS, first 1st birthday party, etc. It was all very fun. Cooper really blossomed on that trip. I don't know if it was from being surrounded by people who were smitten with him or getting loved on so much or all the new things Grandma had waiting for him, but he really thrived there. I went with a baby and came home with a toddler!

Cooper's first 1st Birthday party.

He was definitely freaked out by all the people standing around singing, but once people slowly lost interest in his stunned state he started to dig into his cake. It took forever to clean him, his outfit, his highchair and the dropcloth we had beneath him.

This is pretty much what we did all week... took turns driving Cooper around the house. He absolutely loves that car. Since we've been home he's mastered how to get in and out on his own, walk it around by himself and even stand on the seat and give Mom a heart attack.

Stairs... the final frontier. I was worried once we got home he'd be all over our stairs, but he rarely goes up there. Thank goodness.

My very own crib at Grandma's! Yay!

I don't care how tired I am Mom, I need to drive my new car! Grandma got it for me!

It was an awesome week. Just to be together with all of Christopher's immediate family at once was a blessing. It's the first time we've all been together since our wedding and it was so much fun. Now that Christopher's brother Craig and his family have relocated to the DC area from San Diego we will be sure to see each other as much as schedules allow. Eventhough Cooper had hung out with his grandparents and Aunt Rebecca before, he was thrilled to have 24/7 access to them. He would crawl up to them, put his arms up and laugh/squeal which of course got him hugs and kisses. Who could resist such a cute boy!

We were sad to head home, but are making plans to be with everyone again very, very soon.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


My child is so over baby food or anything that you feed him with a spoon. Now that he's fully mastered finger foods that's all he wants. If you come at him with a spoon he does one of two things: spits up the food that you had to scrape against his top teeth to even get into his mouth or waves his arms as you come in with the spoon thereby knocking the food (and sometimes the spoon) onto the floor.

Last night's dinner consisted of: peaches, cheerios, Gerber cheddar puffs, potato and a few bites of shredded chicken.

Monday, November 16, 2009


For the third year in a row, Dana has come over and been willing to shoot our Christmas card picture. We thought it was hard with two crazy bulldogs, we didn't anticipate how MUCH harder it would be to throw a baby into the mix. Here are some cute shots that didn't make the card this year, but are still fun to look at.

Fish playing hide and go seek.

My boys.

Cooper looks mad, the dogs, overheated.

Chips wanting some more Cheerios.

Bulldog bookends.

My little man with his space ship.

Here's to next year. Thanks again D!

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Too cute to resist...


Blueberry Muffin Before

Blueberry Muffin After

11 Months Old

Cooper meet Mr. Elephant, Mr. Elephant, Cooper.
Cooper is rounding the bend and will be one year old before we know it! This month has brought about changes like every other and has been super fun. Cooper is holding steady at 25 lb 6 oz which is what he has weighed for about a month now. He has gone up to size 5 diapers and is primarily wearing size 24 mo. clothes. He still spends the morning in Nursery #2 at school, but sometimes ventures to Nursery #3 for the afternoon because he is so active and oftentimes skips the afternoon nap. Cooper sleeps from 7:30 pm to 5:30 am. He eats more and more "adult food" and is getting pretty tired of jarred baby food. Now that he has "mastered" feeding himself he wants to do it all the time. Cooper is also on his last can of formula. Before you know it he will be a milk drinking fool and we can't wait! I can get 15 gallons of milk for what 1 can of formula costs.
The next 30 days: Thanksgiving and 1st Birthday!

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Official Halloween Potrait

Is that the cutest lion you've ever seen or what?

I know I've been bad about posting lately, but this weekend I PROMISE to post Cooper's 11 months old pic/post and some funny before and after pictures of Cooper and his blueberry muffin.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Cooper loves riding in the car. However, he also loves seeing how fast he can get out of his car seat. When we arrive at our destination I unbuckle the bottom buckle and then reach up to unhook the strap that goes across his chest. He gets ready and then once unhooked pulls his arms out and holds them way up in the air as if he's saying "Let's go Mom, pick me up, pick me up." It's very cute.

In other news the house across the street from us finally sold last week after being on the market for almost 2 years and after being reduced over $30,000. There go the comps for my neighborhood.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Things are crazy here. I feel like I say that a lot. On Sunday the garage door broke, Chips tore her ACL and Cooper had more ear infection drama. The garage is now fixed, Chips will be having surgery and it looks like Cooper will be too. Check back in about 8 weeks and all should be well :)

Cooper did have a great Halloween and was the cutest lion around! I will post pictures asap.

This week I've realized that Cooper loves to sit in his highchair in the kitchen and eat cereal while I make dinner for Christopher and myself. Don't know why I didn't do that before now????

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Xmas List

Now that I'm a parent I usually think about things I want to buy for Cooper instead of things I want for myself. I admit to having an occasional fantasy about a red patent leather Louis Vuitton wallet or these boots, but for the most part I think about jon jons, developmental toys, etc. However, I know my mother will start asking me if there's anything special I want for Xmas any day now and I've come up with a few small things.

1. new John Mayer cd (out in late November)

2. new Norah Jones cd (this is really for CW and me)

3. Pioneer Woman's cookbook

4. pastry bags, tips, etc.

5. pedicure gift certificate

6. Nikon Coolpix camera (this isn't a small thing so if someone could tell my husband I'd be grateful)

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Cooper joined me today for breakfast with the ladies (Aunt Jane and Aunt Dana) at our fave spot, Le Peep. He got to eat pancakes, throw things on the floor and get flirted with by lots of people not just our tablemates. He even got kissed on the head by a stranger and decided to meltdown while I was in the restroom. He enjoyed the adventure and was so tuckered out by all the fun that he slept for 3 hours once we got home.

Friday, October 23, 2009


We have four top teeth now. If he would hold still, I would photograph them :)

Also, I think we are going to have to start doing nightly baths. At this age he doesn't need a bath everyday but #1 he loves them and #2 he is worn out by then end of all that excitement. Makes for an easy bedtime routine.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


After being out of commission due to an awful stomach bug last week, we are now officially back in the game. Christopher's on nights in the CCU, so things are exactly normal, but we are functioning.

Lately each day reveals something else I have to put up, hide, move to a higher shelf, etc. to keep it away from Cooper. Not only is he mobile, he's also tall and has long arms so he can get to a lot of stuff! I think we might have to be minimalists for the next year or so. Note to shelf: buy fence to go around Christmas tree.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

10 Months Old

Look at that big green bean. So cute.

Cooper is growing and developing every day. He really is into finger foods now and calls everything Na Na except for Ma Ma and Da Da. He just met his Aunt Rebecca for the first time and was pretty smitten with her. And I think she liked him too :) He is loving his new nursery with all the foam mats he can crawl on, under and over. He still takes a morning nap but sometimes forgoes the afternoon siesta. However, if that happens he will fall asleep during dinner. He is taking about 6 bottles per day and eating about 5 jars of food plus some cereal or other finger foods. He wears size 4 diapers, 18-24 month clothes and is almost grown out of his size 5 shoes.

Friday, October 9, 2009


This blog could be titled a couple of different things... "A day in the life" or "Reason #1,804 why I Love Vanderbilt"... but it's easier just to call it 10/08/09.

Cooper had his first dose of the flu vaccine at his 9 month well-baby visit on 9/04/09. We scheduled an appointment for his second dose for this past Wednesday. However last Friday we got a call from our pediatrician's office saying they were out of the vaccine and we'd have to find it elsewhere. Great. Option 1 - go to Walgreens. Not so fast - they don't give flu shots to kids under 2 years old. Option 2 - go to Lentz Public Health Department. Not so fast - yuck.

Then I realized Vandy might have an alternative. Guess what? They do.

So last night Christopher got home at 4:30 pm (what??? really??? when the sun was still up???) and when Cooper and I arrived at 5 pm we headed down to the Franklin Vandy Walk-In clinic. We beat the traffic and arrived at 5:30 pm. Fifteen minutes later I was registering which involved signing an electronic keypad twice because Cooper was already in the system (having been born at VUMC). Great so far. Then a murse named Richard came into the lobby and walked us outside where he administered the shot right there to my baby who I was holding naturally and didn't even know what hit him. No tears. No wailing. No copay. I love Vandy.

Before we knew it we were off to the quaint and always lovely downtown Franklin for dinner at Mellow Mushroom. MM is one of Christopher's favorites, but I've never really liked it. However, last night I found the one thing I love and will order every time. Buffalo Chicken Pizza. Yum. Triple Yum.

After a scenic drive home with a sleeping baby in the backseat I thought this would end up being a perfect evening. It was only 8 pm, we had accomplished our mission, had a yummy dinner and Cooper was asleep. I would put him in his crib, get the house ready for the housekeeper and get to bed before 10pm. Cooper had other plans.

After being in the house for all of 30 seconds Cooper drenches me in vomit. The look on CW's face was a combo of "Holy ****" and "I'm so glad it wasn't me." He held the perfectly clean baby while I stripped down on the spot since I was close to the washing machine and then take Cooper upstairs to hopefully go back to bed. Again, he had other plans. We all got to bed before midnight which isn't too bad, but not the fantasy scenario I had earlier.

The good news... Cooper fell asleep mumbling Ma Ma. Ma Ma. Ma Ma. Ma Ma. I forgave him for the puke.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Cooper turned 10 months old today. A picture and an update will be posted later, but for now two little tidbits.

Tidbit #1

Cooper has THREE upper teeth coming in. At the same time. No wonder he's been so pleasant lately :)

Tidbit #2

I think this child is a lot like me. He may look like Christopher spit him out, but he has my personality. Yesterday was another shining example.

In an effort to take part in this fleeting fall season I scooped up Cooper, grabbed a blanket and we headed into the backyard to play with grass or leaves or anything that would take his mind off of the teeth that were making him fussy. He happily sat on the blanket, stood up against me or let me cradle him, but he was not interested in the world beyond the blanket. He briefly played with a big, crispy leaf I got for him, but he didn't really care. At one point he crawled to the edge of our blanket and slowly reached out for the grass. As soon as his fingers touched the prickly ends of the blades of grass he was done. After about 15 minutes we were back inside.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Having a blast with B&B (Becca & Brian). Big happenings of the weekend... Cooper picked a french fry up off of Rebecca's plate at lunch yesterday and proceeded to eat it. Such a copy cat. He ate jello today too, well cranberry congealed salad. In messier news he is also having his first bout of diarrhea. Lots of dirty outfits in the wash this weekend.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Cooper's favorite new game - crawl up to any piece of furniture in the family room. Lay on his belly and peer under said furniture. Reach under couch, table, chair and pull out a toy. Oftentimes it's a dog toy, but he doesn't seem to mind. And the dogs really appreciate his help :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Today on my way home I realized fall is here. It happens every year... there will be one day in September that I notice the leaves falling and the air cool enough for sweaters eventhough the sun is out and shining. It makes me want to make chili and order apple cider from Starbucks. It also reminds me of the weather 3 years ago this week when I got married. Love this time of year.

Cooper is well. His new favorite pastime is to stand at the windows facing the backyard and "talk" and bang on the glass. Whatever floats your boat :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009


I haven't been good about updating so I'm going to do an update WITH videos. Cooper is crawling like mad and pulling up on anything. Sometimes he even pulls up one-handed. He cruises from the couch to the coffee table, but that's about it so far. Still has two teeth, still walking/running in his walker. Has had one flu shot dose and goes back for the second dose in two weeks. Yesterday he attended his first VHA Fall Family Fun Fest and had a great time getting attention and he wasn't even scared by Dinky the Clown (eventhough the adults were).

Thursday, September 17, 2009

This made me cry

"Because at the end of the day, when we can't walk or even stand, when we have no words to speak, much less sing, and when it takes every ounce of every part of us to scrawl out our name at the bottom of a page, we still have something left to give. We can care. Caring is what makes the earth spin around on its axis and draws day in from the dark night. Telling someone that we CARE -- from the depths -- that moves people. In fact, it's the only thing that ever will."

If you want to read the story behind this, click here.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Cooper is much less "barky" today. His school pictures will be there this afternoon for me to pick up. So excited!!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Cooper has had a cold for several days. Yesterday when I picked him up from daycare there was a sign confirming a case of H1N1. Then last night Cooper had a really bad night and was barking like a seal and wheezing by 5 am.

I called the doctor's office at 7am when they started taking calls and made an appointment. Since Christopher was post-call I went into work late and he took him to the doctor at 9:30.

The result... no flu, regular or of the swine variety. However, he has croup. Just like his Daddy decades ago. He got a steroid shot and an antibiotic. Tonight I have a feeling we will be sitting in a steamy bathroom since it's not chilly outside yet.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Today is Christopher's last. call. ever. Of course he'll work two weeks of nights in the ICU TWICE over the coming months, but in terms of call... it is done.

To celebrate, I'm posting this uber cute picture of Mr. Cooper asleep.


Had a nice weekend full of stuff.

Cooper had his 9 month pictures taken on Saturday morning. He cooperated less than 3 months ago and our photographer warned us that it's even worse at the 12 month session. He said it's a 20% success rate. Wow. Can't wait.

Saturday night we gathered at my Dad's for Bowron Family night and had a great time talking about Durkee's, Spam and other southern favorites. Nothing like a farmstand tomato on homemade bread with a little Durkee's. Grayson entertained us with repeated nose bleeds which reminded me of when Glenn was little. Cooper also entertained with his crawling and walking in his walker.

Today we headed out to Costco for formula, diapers and some adorable Carter's outfits for Cooper. We also picked up a ton of food and delivered it to the Hospital Hospitality House. Every month the VHA provides 2 dinners to the HHH's 40 residents and Tuesday night is my night. While I used to actually cook for these fine people I simply can't do it these days.

After running all over town and doing some stuff around the house we wrapped up the weekend with a perfect evening... pizza, Sunday Night Football, Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka (mix it with lemonade!!!) and hanging out with Nick and Meg.

Ahhh... ready for the week!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


When I got to daycare today Cooper was standing in his crib making a lot of noise. I've seen him pull up to standing lots of times, but never have I walked in on him like that at daycare. It was a shock. Big boy...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cooper is 9 Months Old!

In three short months we will be having Cooper's first birthday. Please let the clock slow down. We are loving every minute with this sweet, handsome little man and by 5 pm everyday I am aching to hold him.
At 9 months Cooper...
- is 30.25 inches long (98th percentile)
- weighs 24 pounds, 4 ounces (90th percentile)
- has a head circumference in the 80th percentile
- is wearing 18 month - 24 month clothing
- has two bottom front teeth coming in
- eats many different foods (stage 3 baby foods, table foods mashed up, etc.)
- is not very fond of finger foods
- loves splashing in the bathtub
- is about to graduate to Nursery II at school
- is crawling (quickly) ALL over the place
- still loves his walker and exersaucer eventhough he's growing out of them quickly
- has a new fascination with cords and plugs
- is pulling up to standing on anything that will hold still
- walks around saying Maaaaaa Maaaaaa and then gets frustrated when I don't answer
- is learning what "no no" means

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Cooper has his second tooth! It's exactly what people said would happen... we waited forever and now they are coming all at once. He also (easily) crawled over to his walker and pulled up to his knees and then to one foot like it was nothing. Then he plopped down on his butt and cried.

As soon as he's sound asleep I will take photos of the tooth... sorry, the tEEth and a bonus... the cutest pjs ever seen!

Monday, August 31, 2009


Cooper is so over "b" and "m" sounds. Now he's all about the G. It's gaaa, geee, gaaa, gee 24/7. Love it.

Friday, August 28, 2009

08.28.09 - The day that will go down in history

Cooper likes to do things in a big way. When he was born one day shy of 38 weeks he had to go big, to the tune of 10 pounds, 5.2 ounces. Now that big milestones are upon us he decided to go big again and tackle three in one day. Today my son...

1. cut his first tooth (thank goodness, I was starting to think he didn't have baby teeth)
2. pulled up in his crib
3. crawled across our bedroom floor to get the digital camera

He really crawled last night downstairs, but because he was on a slippery blanket he couldn't get anywhere. I thought it was funny, he didn't.

Pictures and video to follow...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Cooper has been moved into a big boy crib at daycare with a mattress that is lowered so he can't escape. Made me a little sad, but he's now beside his BFF Austin, so it's ok. Guess it's time to lower his crib mattress at home too.


I thought they were crazy when my baby website suggested letting Cooper play with a whisk or potato masher, but guess what? They are his favorite things!!! He loves mashing the floor and using the whisk like a microphone. Adorable. Guess it's time to pull out the pots, pans and wooden spoons too.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Cutest thing ever: When Christopher came downstairs this morning Cooper smiled really big and then started clapping. What's better than a round of applause from your son at 6:30 in the morning???


Sunday was a lazy day at the Wells house. After breakfast we played on a blanket in the front yard while Christopher trimmed bushes. Then Cooper took a two-hour nap which means Mommy took a nap as well. Yay!

That night we joined the fam at Loveless for Christopher's family birthday dinner and then came back to the house for cake. We showed off all of Cooper's new clothes and he performed for everyone by clapping and walking around in his walker. We also attempted to put his Halloween costume on which didn't go so well. We will have to play dress up several times between now and Halloween so he'll be cool with it by then. Good to know now, huh?


After an awesome breakfast and pedicure outing with Dana and Jane the birthday girl I came home to hang out with C&C. After some down time we packed up and headed off for the dreaded Opry Mills outlet mall. I can count on one hand how many times I've ventured to this dreaded place and only did so to take advantage of many children's stores in one locations and the many sales said stores were having. We shopped a lot and walked a lot and walked away with tons of clothes for Mr. Cooper.

Things I learned on this trip:
1. my son now grabs at stuff as he passes in his stroller
2. my son is really long requiring clothes meant for a two year old
3. Great American Cookie Company isn't as great as it used to be
4. Kids clothes are expensive even when on sale
5. NFL jersey onesies are really cute
6. Opry Mills won't let strollers in sit-down restaurants... another reason to hate that place

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Tonight when Cooper and I arrived home I noticed the stove said PF (power failure) and all the clocks were flashing. Guess what that means? The slow cooker pot roast that we worked so hard on that morning was not bubbling away as planned. We had a big pot of uncooked veggies and raw meat. Gross. It got thrown away and Daddy picked up dinner on the way home :( What are the chances that the first time I've used the crock pot in a month we have a rain storm and the power goes out?????

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Last night as Cooper puttered around the downstairs in his walker Christopher asked me "What happened to our baby?" That's what I want to know. Our little Mr. is eating everything in site (except cottage cheese) and talking and so mobile... and his first birthday party is already in the works. Whew... busy year.

On the horizon... teeth... I hope. We did meet a family with a one-year-old who said their little girl didn't have baby teeth for the longest time and then all of a sudden got three. Good to know.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


What's cuter?
The belly or the drooling?
My vote is the belly.

This is a post bath picture. As you can see Cooper wasn't that into get dressed and wanted to play instead. So while Christopher and I got ready we let him play. Because sometimes it doesn't matter if you do things in a certain order.

Today, Sunday, started off with Cooper throwing up massive amounts of breakfast. In the Exersaucer. Thanks. And only minutes after Daddy headed to VUMC for his last weekend call. That Daddy has good timing. A long day ensued with lots to do, but with the help of my mom it ended well and dishes, laundry, etc. are all done. Now Cooper is sound asleep in his adorable duck onesie and the pups and I are ready for bed too. So glad Daddy can clean out the Exersaucer next time :)


My little one became an international food lover today! He happily ate lentils and saag (creamed spinach with homemade cheese) from the Indian Buffet. Yum! Yum! I didn't try Indian food until I was about 19 so he's way ahead of his Mommy.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


My perfect, sweet, handsome, wonderful husband had a great bday. Tonight we went out to eat with Nick & Meg and then headed over to Sweet Cece's for some birthday do-it-yourself frozen yogurt. I can't believe how many people were there on a weeknight. It was delicious and even Cooper got in on the froyo fun. Christopher also got some great gifts including money, giftcards, lottery tickets, and a monogrammed silver keychain that he wanted to replace his old fancy keychain. Oh, and a magnetic photo with a picture of Cooper for his locker in the fellows room. Happy Birthday Honey!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I was inspired by the legacy of a young woman today who reminded me that you can face any challenge with grace, dignity and a smile. My natural leaning when faced with adversity is to complain to friends, go into my walk-in closet and scream, or to cry. I'm going to work on the grace and dignity part... and the smiling.

Also, my child will now wave to someone who is waving at him. Love the little copycat!!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


My child can officially get into a sitting position from any other position you put him in. Laying on his back, laying on his tummy, on his side, on all fours, etc. I thought I was recording his new talent last night but I was just sitting there holding a camera that said "ready." Nice. Video to follow...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Face still numb. Went to doctor. Bell's palsy brought on by untreated viral infection. Great. My face isn't drooping or anything. Just numb and tingly. And my half-smile makes Christopher laugh. God is getting me back for laughing at his crazy sneezes all these years.

Cooper is great. Fell asleep when we took a drive over to Sweet Cece's for some therapeutic frozen yogurt so he wanted to stay up till midnight playing with his Winnie The Pooh activity table. That's what we get for putting a baby in a snuggly car seat after a big meal for a 20 minute drive. Duh.


Sunday was a mixed bag. We were excited to hang out with the Osgood clan (and other friends) to celebrate Zan's birthday (so many August babies), but we had to get through the day first. Christopher was post-call which means he came home, said hello and fell asleep. And since I woke up with a numb face and was freaked out it was a bumpy road to 3pm. We made it (and an appetizer for the party) and had so much fun hanging out with really funny, fun people. I love get togethers at Jane's parents' house. So comfortable I feel right at home. And in the last eight months there's been a added bonus to these get togethers... a built-in playdate for Cooper and a chance to get some mommy feedback and advice from Meg!

Happy Birthday Zan!!!!

PS - If you are wondering about my numb face, read 08.10.09.


Today (Saturday) was chocked full o' fun and excitement. After meeting & greeting people at the VHA Bounce U event Mom, Cooper and I headed to the Coco Bonbons warehouse sale and got Cooper some cute fall clothes for 80% off and tax free! Then we hit CPK and back home for a nap (which never materialized) before heading to Dad & Nancy's (aka Old Man & Mimi's) for the monthly Bowron get together and August birthday celebration minus one of the August babies (Christopher) who was on call. I'm so glad I'll only have to say that 5 more times.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cooper is 8 Months Old!!!!

Yes, he is a big boy. At 8 months Cooper:

-weighs over 22 pounds
- eats veggies, fruits, pureed meats (gag) and still drinks lots of formula
- still has no teeth :(
- has finally kicked the ear infections and is 100% healthy
- officially hates the doctor's office and will cry even when a doctor touches him on the head
- loves to just sit on the floor and play with anything in reach
- crawls in reverse
- walks in his walker (backwards only as well)
- still loves his Chips and would like to love Fish if Fish would allow it
- loves baths in the garden tub
- says MaMa, but not directly to me
- has started to get upset when I drop him off at daycare
- definitely has some stranger anxiety
- ate his first frozen yogurt
- absolutely HATES papaya... makes him gag in a very dramatic fashion

Friday, August 7, 2009


Today is my Dad's birthday and the day Cooper turns 8 months old!!!!! Yay!!!! Medical update and pictures, stats, etc. will be posted asap.

Today my heart is heavy knowing that a Vanderbilt family will soon be dealing with the loss of their wife & mother. I can't imagine the pain or do much to help so I will pray. If you pray, please do the same. "Joy cometh in the morning" scripture tells us. I hope so.


Went to my VHA meeting tonight while CW & CW2 had a "Guy's Night In". We had a yummy dinner and a productive meeting and it was followed by an hour long talk with Tracy. Even though she hundreds of miles away our long phone calls keep me feeling close to her which I like. And need.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


As we ate dinner Cooper slept upstairs. At one point he let out a cry and CW went to check on him. Before he went up I mentioned that it sounded like he was flipped over on his belly and wanted to be on his back. My husband now thinks I have special powers and I realize that I'm officially a mom who knows what her child is upset about just by hearing which cry is coming out of his mouth. Love it.


Made this yummy recipe tonight. Used sliced green onions instead of fresh garlic (because I didn't have any). Next time I will use boneless, skinless chicken breasts and serve them over rice. Delish.

Also found Cooper's first Halloween costume in this catalog. How. Freakin'. Cute. Don't know what size to order. Based on weight we would need a large, but I'm worried it will be too long.


It breaks my heart when Christopher gets home from work well after Cooper's bedtime and immediately asks "Where is he??" Then I just say "Upstairs."

Monday, August 3, 2009


Busy weekend. Cooper and I took Daddy dinner at the hospital on Friday night since he was on call. When Cooper realized Daddy had a stethoscope (which he hates now) like his pediatrician he looked at him like he was a traitor. Pretty funny. Saturday was the VHA Welcome Luncheon which was successful despite my nervous, robot-like recitation of my speech. Saturday night was dinner out. I've now fallen back in love with Tin Angel which I hadn't been to in years. Sunday was lunch out with Nick & Meg and a trip to a new "interactive" frozen yogurt shop in Belle Meade which is DELISH despite the 50 cent per ounce pricetag. For those of you that don't like math that's $8 a pound for frozen yogurt. Sunday night we took a meal to a new mom and visited Dana who is recuperating this weekend from a pretty wicked infection. We were glad to hang out and see that she's doing better!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Stressful day today. Cooper woke up about 8 times last night and his morning caregiver at daycare decided to inform me that he's been crying inconsolably this week. So I picked him up early and back to the doctor we went. Still has an ear infection and since the oral Rxs didn't work we've moved on to shots. Possibly one a day for three days in a row. Great. Will see what tomorrow holds.

Wish me luck. I've been reduced to tears many times since this saga began SEVEN WEEKS AGO.


Great night tonight. Christopher got home at a decent time, our house was clean b/c it was housekeeper day, we had a yummy meal (my first time to make homemade meatballs & spaghetti) and Cooper went to bed early. It's the little things.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Christopher did the grocery shopping for me tonight week because I was at home with a very fussy baby who was awakened 10 mins into his afternoon nap by the lady at daycare. Big mistake on her part.

Anyway, I try to be SUPER specific with my list when he's going for me because grocery stores have somewhere around 47,000 items and it's hard to know exactly what someone wants when they say "cheddar cheese." He also asks me lots of questions before he goes if there is something on the list that is confusing. 9 times out of 10 this works perfectly. Last night, not so much. Instead of calling me he went with his gut on two items which resulted in us having a HUGE container of raisins (like 5 lb. of raisins) and a tiny package of chicken which was supposed to serve as our main course for two dinners this week. Maybe I'll make some oatmeal raisin cookies :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I really thought we could still bathe Cooper in the portable tub we've used since his birth. I was wrong. My child is clean... and so is my kitchen floor. Onto the big tub.


We went to Toys R Us today because Christopher thought too much time had passed since our child had a new toy. No spoiling of said child occurring in the slightest, right? Anyway, we did pick up some little odds and ends for Cooper including Fisher Price links, stackable cups, Fisher Price keys, an Elmo for the car (can be attached to the car seat) and two Baby Einstein videos. Then we had a fun night watching Cooper play with all of his new stuff! Every time he was handed something new he would huff and puff and then flap his arms like little wings and jump. If he were a bird he would have taken off I'm sure.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lounging, 7 mo. shot and sitting up

Just lounging around in a vintage seersucker shortall. And yes, that is a duck wearing a sailor's cap pulling a miniature sailboat behind him. And I like it.
Sadly, the best 7 month picture with Mr. Elephant that we got. Not indicative of his size in relation to Mr. Elephant, but it will have to do.

Dad! You caught me sitting up by myself!!!!

Look at my spoils!!! Mine! All mine!

Oh! I love toys and I love sitting up!

Mommy's vintage Fisher Price Happy Apple. I love the sound it makes.


At our 6 month appointment Dr. Long mentioned that Cooper may start rolling onto his stomach during the night and I don't have to keep putting him back on his back. Great. Around that time Cooper did start rolling to his sides and would sleep there for the remainder of the night, but never fully rolled over on his belly. Guess what? Last night he rolled over early on and slept that way for the rest of the night. I need to get a picture of all sleeping positions because they are all so cute. I especially like the on the back with legs pulled up like frog legs pose.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Do you ever need to make a quick appetizer, dessert or side dish for a party or a potluck or a sick friend and don't want to go to the store? This happens to me a lot and so I've really tried to make a concerted effort to fill my pantry, freezer, and fridge with items that can help me when I'm in a bind. So far the most helpful items have been:

1. frozen pie crusts (with these plus 6 other staples I can make yummy fudge pies)
2. frozen package of herbed goat cheese (bake off a frozen baguette and you have an easy app)
3. frozen shrimp (pair with a bottle of cocktail sauce from the pantry and you are good to go)
4. wedge of Gruyere cheese (add potatoes, milk, butter and garlic for delish au gratin potatoes)

Tonight it was the frozen pie crust that came to my aid so while dinner was baking I whipped up a pie and baked it while we ate. Now I'm ready for tomorrow night's dinner at Jane's.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sunday morning at our house

Watch as Cooper tries to handle his bottle on his own. What I like about this video is: the huffing and puffing when he's excited, the babbling, the eating of the paper towel and the banging of the hand on the highchair tray as if he's saying "Now woman! Now!"


Tonight I am in awe of mothers (well primary caregivers actually). This is the hardest job I've ever done and I'm doing it on less sleep than I've ever gotten before. It's daunting to start the day at 5:45 am with a automatic to-do list that's a mile long. For those of you reading this who have in the past (or who are in the present) raising one or more children successfully and keeping your sanity, sense of humor and wits about you... congrats! I wish I could give you all a million dollars as a prize or a free trip to the Hilton resort of your choice (I got a sales call from them yesterday and apparently rates are surprisingly affordable).

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


When Cooper was a newborn baby he would wake up crying every time. No matter what time day or night a newborn cry would announce the end of his slumber. Then at about 4 months Cooper would play with a toy in his crib and the little noises that would make became my cue to retrieve my child so we could start the day. We have now entered a stage where Cooper will sit and babble when he wakes so I hear from the other room "ya ya ya ba ba ba buh buh yuh." I think this is my favorite stage so far :)

Monday, July 20, 2009


Ear infection saga continues... took Coopies in for a re-check of his right ear to make sure antibiotic worked. It did! But the other one is infected now :( 10 days of another medicine (cost = $100) and then a re-check on day 14.

On a happier note my co-workers enjoyed the chocolate cupcakes I made and Jane, Dana and I have tentative plans for some girl time tomorrow night when my husband can be on Cooper duty. Yay!

Also... what was I thinking when I agreed to be VHA President??? Oh yeah, it was my wedding day and I had started drinking champagne at 5 am. All coming together now.


This was a perfect Sunday. After breakfast we headed to Edwin Warner park and walked/hiked a 1 mile trail. The weather was perfect and since there was tons of shade it was even cooler. Great way to start the day. Then we headed to the VHA storage unit and off to lunch. While Cooper took his afternoon nap Christopher graded EKG tests and I made pesto pasta salad. We brought the whole family (dogs included) out on the deck while we grilled out and had a nice chat with the neighbors. Guess what? They are pregnant! Due with a little boy in November. Cooper will have a friend right next door!!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


My first VHA monthly event as President is in the history books. We had an okay turnout, yummy food and I didn't stumble over my words too much. Met some new Vandy people, gave away Sounds tickets and had a good time. Disappointed a new intern who thought I was giving away tickets to a Sounds concert. Apparently The Sounds are not only Nashville's minor league baseball team, but also this guy's favorite band :) Next month... bounce party at Bounce U!


- Cooper started having fruit, cereal AND a bottle for breakfast. He's a growing boy!
- Sadly, my mom was rear-ended today and her car is totalled. She's got bumps and bruises, but appears to be fine. Better than her Explorer at least.
- I made "CW's dinner" for dinner... baked ziti. Although I never use ziti, I always use rigatoni. Tonight however I used ziti and it was so much better than ever before!!! Will never go back. Sorry rigatoni :(

Friday, July 17, 2009


Cooper goes to sleep one of two ways. Either he falls asleep while taking his nighttime bottle or he's awake (but fussy) when it's time for bed and you have to rock him to sleep. Sometimes, when it's the latter, he will kick and fuss and thrash around while you rock him and then all of a sudden as if he's been hit with a tranquilizer dart, fall into a deep sleep. That's what happened tonight. Annoying, but really cute at the same time.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Today I stayed home with a sick baby. Cooper has his fourth ear infection and is on the 3rd medication. Wonder how long before Dr. Long will mention ear tubes??? We had a good day... napping and eating. Meg brought yummy dinner over and hung out so I'd have some adult conversation today. Daddy's on call tonight so we will see how much sleep we get. Oh, and Cooper thanked me for taking the day off work by pooping and peeing on me. I love that little guy.


After complaining all day that Cooper didn't sleep well the night before, I get a call from daycare saying he has a 102 degree temperature. How bad do you think this made me feel? Christopher skipped the VHA dinner we were supposed to attend to take Cooper to the pediatrician and I went to the dinner and listened to Vandy faculty argue about universal healthcare. Fun.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Daily Tidbits

I've decided the post daily tidbits. Short, random thoughts or happenings in hopes of having at least a mini-diary of my first son's babyhood.

7/13/09: As I cooked dinner, washed dinner dishes and did laundry the sound of Cooper's laughing was great background music. Christopher was holding him while watching the Home Run Derby and doing all the things that make Cooper laugh a perfect belly laugh including eating his ribs, kissing his nook and making funny nosies. Perfect. Week. Night.

Even more videos!!!!!!!!!!

First video - Cooper playing in his bouncy seat a few months ago. That's Christopher video game in the background.

Second video - Cooper laying on his bunny chair that Angela gave him.

Third video - Cooper with hiccups a LONG time ago.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

More Cooper Videos

First video - Cooper playing in his new walker.

Second Video - Cooper asleep on Mommy after a yummy bottle.

Cooper Videos

First video - I was trying to be sneaky and not let Cooper see the camera. However, he did.

Second video - Cooper in his jumper for the first time.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

1/2 of 1 year old... what?

Sunday June 7th, Cooper Andrew Wells turned six months old. It truly isn't possible that 6 months ago I was in an OR crying tears of joy when I saw Christopher come around the drape with a chubby, swollen baby with black hair and dark eyes.

Before I had Cooper I was always anxiously awaiting for things to be over. Always ready to move onto the next thing. I was always saying "I can't wait for x, y or z!" Now I just want time to stop, or at least move in slow motion. I want to savor every minute of time and give and get all the love I can from this little person that makes me so happy.

Check-up stats:
Weight: 20 pounds, 9 ounces (86th percentile)
Length: 28.25 inches (93rd percentile)

Clothing: wears 12 months clothes primarily because he needs the extra length.
Shoes: Went right to a size 5 shoe. What???
Hair: Filling in and a little fuzzy on top, but very neat. Doctor thinks he looks like a mini-business man.

Dear Cooper Baby,

You are six months old now. According to Miss Alyson that's 181 days. A lot of fun we've had so far, huh? The first couple of months were pretty low key, but we've really turned up the excitement lately.

When you are awake you are WIDE awake and ready to go, play, move, talk, etc. And when you sleep, you sleep. This makes for pretty fun times together. You love to stand on my lap and dance on my lap and play in your Exersaucer. You love to eat solids like applesauce, prunes and pears and you love to snuggle and have warm bottles in Mommy's lap. You also love to laugh when tickled or when we make funny noises. You are so interested in your surroundings and particularly like it when Chips comes over and rests her chin on the Exersaucer so you can pet her. This week you started a new trick... when we lay you down on your changing table you arch your back, stick out your chest & belly and beat on your chest with your fists. You look like Tarzan and it's pretty funny when you are naked or just in a diaper.

For some reason if you see the camera or the video camera you stop doing whatever cute thing I was trying to capture on film. If you could keep on being silly I'd have more pics to post on this blog and your fans would be thrilled. Just a small request.

You will never know how much joy you bring your friends and family. Everyone lights up when they see you. The first thing they say is "What big eyes!!" Your big smile in the morning makes my day and I can't wait to see it everyday until I allow you to eventually leave home.

Love You, Love You, Love You


Sunday, June 7, 2009


Baptism photos, 6 month photos, 6 month letter to Cooper and 6 month checkup details will be posted tomorrow night. Now for your viewing pleasure I give you Cooper...

A big boy in his new big boy car seat.

Above: Give. Me. The. Camera.

Below: I could watch him all day long. Cooper's 5 month photo with Mr. Elephant. Scared of the elephant, me or the flash?


I know for those of you out there that haven't eaten any of the following items it will be hard to convince you to make these things without pictures. I promise two things: they are worth your time and I will start taking pics of food. Here we go...

Jezebel Sauce

This recipe is a dip typically used with sliced deli ham as an appetizer. For Cooper's reception I decided to serve it as a condiment on Hawaiian rolls with ham. Recipe is from the Harding Academy cook book.

10 oz of apple jelly
12 oz of pineapple preserves
5 oz horseradish

Heat in a saucepan until melted together and let cool. Spicy and Sweet!!!!

Cupcake Frosting

I was trying to find a recipe that wasn't a traditional buttercream, but also wasn't your typical cream cheese frosting either. Thanks to Smitten Kitchen I found a great frosting: easy to make, easy to pipe onto cupcakes and delish!!!

16 oz cream cheese (room temp)
4 sticks unsalted butter (room temp)
1.5 pounds of xxx sugar
1.5 t vanilla extract

Those all of these into your Kitchenaid stand mixer and let it go until light and fluffy. If you don't have a Kitchenaid stand mixer you can use a hand mixer but tomorrow morning go out and get a Kitchenaid. It will turn you into a baker. Promise.

Pasta Salad

I have never had a great pasta salad recipe. Since I'm addicted to the pasta salad with ham and peas on the Ruby Tuesday's salad bar (why do they change their menu so much?) the perfect recipe was hard to find. Everything I looked at had ingredients I'm scared of (mushrooms, olives, etc.). However, I found this on my FAVORITE recipe site and by making some substitutions per people's reviews ended up with a great standard pasta salad recipe.

12 oz tri-color rotini
12 oz bacon
1 c mayo
1 packet ranch dressing mix
.25 t garlic powder
.50 t pepper
.50 c milk
1 small container grape tomatoes
1 cucumber, peeled and sliced
1 small box of frozen peas
4 carrots, shredded

-Bowl pasta in salted water per package directions. Throw in frozen peas right before it's done. Drain and set aside.
- Cook bacon. Drain and chop.
- In a large bowl mix mayo, dressing mix, garlic powder, and pepper. Stir in milk until smooth.
- Throw in the remaining ingredients and stir to coat.
- Cover and chill at least one hour.

Stutgart Cheese

I might be spelling that wrong, but it doesn't matter. This dip/spread is amazing. It is also a Harding Academy recipe and is a staple at Osgood family functions. I serve it in a pumpernickel bread bowl with cubes of bread or crackers. During my pregnancy I literally made a batch of this and ate it and ONLY it for 3 days until it was gone.

16 oz cheddar cheese, shredded
16 oz bacon, cooked and crumbled
12 green onions, chopped
1 small package sliced almonds
2 c mayo
2 T Dijon mustard

Throw in a bowl and mix. Refrigerate overnight if possible.

Note: Sometimes shredding your own cheese makes a big difference in a recipe, but not in this instance. Buy it pre-shredded.

Note: Jane also recommends putting this on bread and putting it under the broiler. I am tempted to do just that with some Pepperidge Farm Hearty White with some leftover ham under the cheese. Mmmm....

Potato Salad

This recipe is relatively new to me as well, but since it came from allrecipes I knew it would be a hit. I served with ribs, rolls, a green salad and cake. Made for a great summer dinner with great friends.

2 lb new potatoes, cleaned and cubed
4 hard boiled eggs, sliced
16 oz bacon, cooked and crumbled
3 T relish
1 c sour cream
2 T mustard
1 c mayo
dash of paprika
S&P to taste

- Boil potatoes in salted water until tender, but still firm; drain and let cool
- Add all other ingredients to cooled potatoes and mix.
- Refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

Note: You can buy hardboiled eggs in Publix's deli which makes me much more inclined to make things with hardboiled eggs as an ingredient. I've never mastered hard boiling eggs. If you have, let me know how.

Food Blog

Even though this blog was created to share info about Cooper I think I will occasionally use it to post recipes. The last few times I've entertained I've been asked for recipes so why not just put them up here??? I will be online later to blog about Cooper's baptism and his 6 month bday (today!!!) but I will also attempt to post the following yummy treats (sorry no pictures).

Jezebel Sauce
Cupcake Frosting
Pasta Salad
Stutgart Cheese
Potato Salad

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Two nights ago I laid in bed by myself (CW is on nights in the CCU) and thought about medical marriages and the struggles that are all part of the package. The particular struggle that was on my mind that night was how friends come and go from your life as they move on to fellowships, private practices or faculty positions at other hospitals in other states. If they don't go seeking more training or an exciting opportunity in a new place, they will often return to their homes or closer to family because they are simply tired of feeling displaced and alienated from loved ones.

Even though these moves onward and upward make perfect sense it contributes to a reality that is constantly changing. My landscape is markedly different from year to year. And those years run from July to June not the January to December calendar that was my reality pre-CW. I practically hold my breath whenever anyone starts talking about interviews because that is the first step to leaving.

Speaking of leaving, tonight I will get on a plane and head to another state without my husband, dogs or child. This will be my first time away from Cooper overnight and right now I'm kind of melancholy about it. Of course, it's for a very good cause... Dana's Bachelorette Weekend!!!! I know once I start heading to the airport with the best friends a girl could have I will be fine. But kissing my baby goodbye this morning was hard... very hard.

Cooper is in good hands with Christopher's parents and I know all is well at 7444. I'm going to party it up and then spend all night Sunday lovin' on my babies... all of them.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

April was... busy

April came and went like a flash like many months and included many exciting events. Our dear friends Nick and Meg (of nursery stripes glory) got married and bought a house. I turned 31. Cooper celebrated his first Easter. Cooper also got his first ear infection. A very busy month indeed...
We are all excited about May and the adventures is will bring. I am now the current President of the VHA which is CRAZY. It will be a busy year, but worth every minute for this group I love so much. Even though we have had a change in leadership at VUMC, I'm hopeful that the new administration will love and support this great group of spouses! Also, this month I will take my first trip away from home (and my Coopies) but Christopher's parents will be here to assist in his care. Other than that we will be planning for June's fun including Dana's Couples Shower, Cooper's Baptism, and Dana's wedding.
Below are some pictures. This weekend I will post Cooper's 5 month pics and updates.

This is Cooper with his Lovie. It's a blanket with a bunny head and arms attached to it. This was a gift from his Grandmama Wells for Easter. It's silk on the inside and he loves to cuddle with it when he's sleepy as you can see. He rubs it against his face and just drifts off. So cute... I stole the name Lovie from my friend Angela... but it's the perfect name because you can tell he loves it.

Cooper's first experience with rice cereal. He makes a funny face when it's put in his mouth, but after he swallows he kicks his legs like crazy as if he wants more. Who knows...

It's Grrrrreat!

My little lion after a bath.

Mommy and her lion cub.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cooper's First Easter

Despite my son's grumpy expression in the picture above and his total ambivalence towards his Easter Basket in the other picture, we had a fantastic Easter.
We got up early to partake in the 7 am service at our church. I thought this would be the least crowded and shortest service which are both important when you have a 4 month old in attendance. It went great. The Bishop led the service which was a treat and Cooper behaved very well. He must have known he looked great in his new bubble. He received many compliments from church goers and got blessed by the Bishop at communion. It made his Mommy teary-eyed. Something about the words "May the blessing of God Almighty, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, be upon you and remain with you now and always."
After service we headed to Noshville to dine with Nick and Meg who closed on their first home yesterday and are getting married in Hawaii a week from today!!!! Cooper again did very well and fell asleep after Mommy changed him. Our first public bathroom diaper change was successful and didn't freak me out at all which was a big personal victory :)
After a yummy breakfast we headed home to play and then to Nanny and Pop Pop's for Easter supper and April birthday celebrations. Cooper got lots of love and fell fast asleep in Aunt Crystal's arms as she rocked him on the front porch.
A Happy Bunny Day indeed!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Random Pics

Cooper finally likes his bouncy seat. Yay!

Cooper loves his teething ring.

One of Cooper's 3 Month Pictures.