Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, October 9, 2009


This blog could be titled a couple of different things... "A day in the life" or "Reason #1,804 why I Love Vanderbilt"... but it's easier just to call it 10/08/09.

Cooper had his first dose of the flu vaccine at his 9 month well-baby visit on 9/04/09. We scheduled an appointment for his second dose for this past Wednesday. However last Friday we got a call from our pediatrician's office saying they were out of the vaccine and we'd have to find it elsewhere. Great. Option 1 - go to Walgreens. Not so fast - they don't give flu shots to kids under 2 years old. Option 2 - go to Lentz Public Health Department. Not so fast - yuck.

Then I realized Vandy might have an alternative. Guess what? They do.

So last night Christopher got home at 4:30 pm (what??? really??? when the sun was still up???) and when Cooper and I arrived at 5 pm we headed down to the Franklin Vandy Walk-In clinic. We beat the traffic and arrived at 5:30 pm. Fifteen minutes later I was registering which involved signing an electronic keypad twice because Cooper was already in the system (having been born at VUMC). Great so far. Then a murse named Richard came into the lobby and walked us outside where he administered the shot right there to my baby who I was holding naturally and didn't even know what hit him. No tears. No wailing. No copay. I love Vandy.

Before we knew it we were off to the quaint and always lovely downtown Franklin for dinner at Mellow Mushroom. MM is one of Christopher's favorites, but I've never really liked it. However, last night I found the one thing I love and will order every time. Buffalo Chicken Pizza. Yum. Triple Yum.

After a scenic drive home with a sleeping baby in the backseat I thought this would end up being a perfect evening. It was only 8 pm, we had accomplished our mission, had a yummy dinner and Cooper was asleep. I would put him in his crib, get the house ready for the housekeeper and get to bed before 10pm. Cooper had other plans.

After being in the house for all of 30 seconds Cooper drenches me in vomit. The look on CW's face was a combo of "Holy ****" and "I'm so glad it wasn't me." He held the perfectly clean baby while I stripped down on the spot since I was close to the washing machine and then take Cooper upstairs to hopefully go back to bed. Again, he had other plans. We all got to bed before midnight which isn't too bad, but not the fantasy scenario I had earlier.

The good news... Cooper fell asleep mumbling Ma Ma. Ma Ma. Ma Ma. Ma Ma. I forgave him for the puke.

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