Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, February 23, 2009

These are the times that try a mom's soul...

Christopher left the house yesterday at 6:15 am for his 30-hour on call shift at Vandy. Because I have an excellent baby I knew I would get everything accomplished on my list for the day and Cooper would be the star attraction at Dana's Oscar party that night. Then we would come home, sleep through the night (as he did the night before) and wake up refreshed and ready for the work week ahead. What was I smoking???

Cooper woke up at 8 am and made it clear that he was going to have a fussy day. Once I gave up the dream of going to the Encore and More consignment sale my Mom came over and helped my with Cooper while I prepped for D's party, made a meal for a new mom, showered, put clothes away, etc.

We left the house at 4:15 pm, only 15 mins behind schedule. Because my Mom had just fed him, I knew Cooper would sleep soundly in the car while we made the food drop-off and headed to Dana's. Heck, he might even sleep through the party.

One of these days I will learn not to tempt fate.

Although he did sleep through the car ride, the second his carrier touched Dana's floor he woke up. And about 45 mins later he started to cry. Really a fussing/crying combo pack. This continued right on through the evening (much to the other party goer's disappointment I'm sure) until we gave up and went home at 9:45 pm. I know the fussiness was due to gas and then being so tired he couldn't sleep, but come one... give a Mama a break. Thanks to some dear friends who offered to hold, rock, sway, feed, and love on Sir Grumps-a-lot I did get to eat and watch a few random moments of the Oscars. Surely he would fall asleep on the way home...


By the time we got home and settled upstairs it was about 11pm. After a warm bottle and some Tylenol (in case these were growth spurt pains) Cooper fell asleep at midnight. I tell myself as I lay him down that he will definitely sleep through the night since he's been up and fussing for going on 8 hours now...

Long story short... we've been awake since 3 am.

Please pray for me today... and the poor clients whose returns are prepared by a woman with 3 hours sleep.


I Love My Bo Bos! said...

Hang in there Ansley! From one mama to another I can tell you that these trying first months WILL PASS! You're in the home stretch of this very difficult phase of "babyhood", just hang in there, you're doing fantastic! Remember that whenever you need a few hours to yourself, I would love to have a "baby day" like you had with my boys. Love you, see you soon. xoxo

Unknown said...

Ah ans he wasn't that bad and he is always a joy to cuddle!!

Tracy said...

Oh Ansley, so sorry! I can tell you I believe the saying with babies is true that sleep begets more sleep. When they don't nap well they don't sleep well that night and so on. My sleep bible is Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby. I highly recommend it to every mom. Good luck. Take one day at a time as he gets older more of these will happen but you will and can survive one day at a time! LOL