Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, December 29, 2008

Cooper's First Christmas!

Even though Cooper's first Christmas was not optimal the little man and his Mommy had a great day and he looked super cute to boot!

Since Daddy was at the hospital on-call we ventured out on our own to Nanny and Pop Pop's for lunch and gift giving. Cooper got lots of great stuff (of course) and enjoyed being held by everyone and loved on. He particularly loved bonding with Pop Pop before the crowds arrived. After that we headed to Old Man and Mimi's house (aka Dad and Nancy) for some more fun and gifts. Again, he got great stuff and lots of love.

Unfortunately Cooper and the dogs decided to give Mommy a hard time upon arriving at home at 8 pm which resulted in a teary phone call to Daddy around 11 pm. Fortunately however they all three realized that Dad was on the phone and immediately all fell asleep. God love the power of Dad. And God bless Vandy for only making Daddy take call for one year so next year we can have a rockin' Christmas!

We hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday as well!!!

1 comment:

The Gilles Family said...

Oh my gosh I just want to squish his adorable cheeks! I wish we could be there to help, especially in these first few weeks! Merry Christmas to all the Wells's, especially the littlest one! :)