Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


My first post of the new year is about Cooper's first tantrum. After he attempted to plug in the lamp that he had just unplugged I smacked the back of his hand and said "No. No." I've only had to do this 3 times in his life. Once with the dog's food that he wanted to try and choke on and once with the Christmas tree. In those instances he cried and acted pitiful, but then moved onto something else and all was forgiven. Tonight he wailed and screamed and kicked his legs and when all the drama was over and he pulled himself back from the brink of certain death... he went right for the plug again, looked back and laughed at me.

It's going to be a busy year.

1 comment:

Rick said...

That used to be AC's reaction to a Kyla scolding (cry, then recover, then smile, then go do it again). If I let loose some furious NO, she would cry and not return to the scene immediately. I'm not sure what that does to help but maybe to be all musky and deep like Barry White when you scold him . . . or maybe that's just wrong. :)